About me

I'm a software engineer with a year of experience bringing ideas to life across the development spectrum. I've had the opportunity to delve into both front-end and back-end development, giving me a solid understanding of the full software development lifecycle. Additionally, I've gained valuable leadership experience as a tech lead, fostering collaboration and driving projects towards successful outcomes.

My foundation in software engineering principles is strong, allowing me to write clean, maintainable, and efficient code. I'm a quick learner, eager to expand my knowledge and tackle new challenges. I thrive in collaborative environments and am passionate about building innovative solutions that make a positive impact.

What i'm doing

  • design icon

    Security Analyst

    Analyze and assess security risks, ensuring systems and data are protected from cyber threats.

  • Web development icon

    Penetration Tester

    Identify and address vulnerabilities in systems and applications to prevent security breaches.

  • camera icon

    Security Engineer

    Fortify systems and data through proactive security measures and incident response.

  • mobile app icon

    Application Developer

    Develop user-friendly and intuitive applications that bring complex functionalities to life.


Python Django Flutter JavaScript TypeScript NextJS NodeJS Rust Ethereum Polygon Solana Solidity Git C Dart AWS Google Cloud HardHat MongoDB PostgreSQL


  • Sebbin Joshy

    Sebbin Joshy

    Hiring Aanand as tech lead was a game-changer. His strong technical background coupled with exceptional communication and problem-solving skills made him the perfect fit to lead our team through three critical projects. The team thrived under his guidance, and the resulting projects played a key role in propelling our company forward.

  • Mohammed Shahid C O

    Mohammed Shahid C O

    Aanand's leadership as tech lead was instrumental in the development of three major projects that significantly contributed to our company's growth. His technical expertise and ability to motivate the team resulted in not only on-time delivery but also solutions that exceeded expectations.



  1. Tech Lead

    Meta Shot April 2023 — Present

    Leveraged my architecture expertise to design a scalable microservices architecture for a Web3 platform, slashing response time by 30% and boosting user satisfaction. I delivered high-performance Solidity smart contracts that doubled the profit margin for multiple clients, and spearheaded the development of diverse web platforms including betting and AI products with active user bases.

  2. Backend Developer

    DogeCaptial October 2023 - December 2023

    Optimized Solana network Web3 platform code, achieving a 2x speed boost, and collaborated with front-end developers to craft cohesive, functional code.

  3. Software Engineer Intern

    TezBooks November 2022 - March 2023

    Leveraged teamwork to conceptualize and develop software solutions. Successfully integrated diverse components to create robust and functional systems, ensuring seamless user experiences.

  4. Backend Developer

    Estro Tech Robotics December 2021 - February 2022

    Developed a scalable backend system for an IoT Control application using Django. This ensured efficient data handling and future growth potential.


  1. MTech Cyber Security

    Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune August 2024 - June 2026
  2. BTech Computer Science and Engineering

    Government Engineering College, Thrissur August 2020 - June 2024


  1. Google Cloud Facilitator

    GDSC Government Engineering College Thrissur

    Empowered college students on their cloud journey as a Google Cloud Facilitator. Facilitated peer-to-peer learning experiences, helping them grasp Google Cloud concepts and troubleshoot challenges.

  2. Best Ideation & First Prize

    DecHacks by Sister Nivedita University

    I developed a browser extension utilizing persistent storage to block distracting websites for designated periods. This functionality ensured continued website blockage even after extension removal, promoting focused browsing habits.

  3. Learning Facilitator in Web3


    Contributed to the community by creating educational materials on Ethereum, smart contracts, and other relevant topics. Led multiple educational sessions across the state, fostering a deeper understanding of Web3 technologies.

  4. Core Organizer

    Hack @ Arch

    Spearheaded the organization of a 36-hour All-India hackathon as a core member, engaging over 60 participants in a collaborative innovation challenge.

  5. Chairperson

  6. Tech Lead

    TinkerHub GECT
  7. AI/ML Lead



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